近期最佳新剧自从difficult people砍了之后非常需要一部类似的充斥文化梗的纽约喜剧而这一部甚至更加棒了-大量的bravo典故(除了主妇系列都把watch what happens live和Andy搞来了)美剧和音乐产业的内部梗(chase专辑三首歌加九首混音不禁让人大笑以及什么人都可以唱歌)所以我看到比如vma重现简直是高潮的另一方面大哥的gay线描绘的很丰满秋霞一级夜理论片久久是近年来看到的最棒的描绘(可能和编剧本身是gay有关)除了一些GV reference对instagay身材以及披萨段落的内涵都写得太好太真实特别喜欢关于室友那一段的发展没有留于俗套满分
It’s the perfect documentary to answer the question I’ve seen under every transgender related feed: why should transgender roles be portrayed by transgender actors. Although as a general rule of thumb when it comes to every minority issue, if you are not the minority group that’s being affected, you should just shut up, listen and learn.